
The Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala (AVS) offers classical Ayurvedic medicines and authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies to patients from all over India and abroad.

One of the most prominent treatment is “Panchakarma”.

‘Pancha’ means five and ‘Karma’ means actions or processes. Panchakarma means five types of treatment procedures to detoxify the body to balance the body energies Vata, Pitha, and Kapha. This is helpful to cure a disease as well as to maintain health.

Toxicity can accumulate in a body from unhealthy food, our environment, relationships, and even from our thought pattern. Over time, possibly many years, unless we consciously work to lessen those experiences there is a buildup of toxicity at all levels. Many illnesses result from the build-up of toxicity. The toxins will prevent the energy flow in the body and will derange the normal body functions such as digestion, circulation, excretion, respiration, etc. As a result, the absorption of nutrients, the expulsion of waste materials will also get affected and will end up in some diseases.

Panchakarma is an effective method of treatments to eliminate these toxins to normalize the energy flow to regain health.

Panchakarma consists of 3 phases.

  • Poorva Karma - Preparatory phase, includes both internal and external application of medicated oils and ghee followed with different kinds of massages and fomentations to liquefy the toxins.

  • Pradhan Karma - Treatment phase. Elimination procedure of toxins

  • Paschat Karma - Maintenance phase. Balancing the energy with medication, diet, and exercise.

Five cleansing therapies:

  • Vamanam - Emissary therapy, to eliminate the mucus and to normalize the body energy Kapha. This is recommended in repeated attacks of bronchitis, cough, cold, asthma, nausea, skin diseases, diabetes, tonsillitis, edema, sinusitis, epilepsy, etc.

  • Virechanam - Purgation, to balance the energy Pitha. This is indicated in acidity, skin diseases, acne, jaundice, ascites, gout, piles, etc.

  • Vasthi - Medicated enemas to clean and detoxify lower GIT and to balance Vata energy. This is effective in constipation, Low back pain, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, nervous disorders, muscular atrophy, etc.

  • Nasyam - The nasal administration of medication is called Nasyam. To clean and detoxify the body above the shoulder level. This is indicated in the dryness of the nose, sinus congestion,hoarseness, migraine, certain eye, and ear problems, etc.

  • Raktamoksham - To clean and detoxify the blood. Toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract circulates throughout the body. They may manifest under the skin or joints to create diseases. In such cases elimination of toxins and purification of the blood is necessary. For repeated attacks of skin diseases like urticaria, eczema, acne, rashes, scabies, leucoderma, enlarged liver and spleen, gout, etc this is effective. Bloodletting also stimulates antitoxic substances in the bloodstream which helps to develop the immune mechanism in the blood system. Thus, the toxins are neutralized enabling radical cures of many blood and bone disorders.

  • Enjoy and experience the unique blend of rejuvenation and relaxation now at Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala – Mahalingapuram branch.
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